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 首页 » 个人文集 »  theoretical(196)

     Regarding Commodities, I don't agree with Jack (1773 byte) 2008-11-30 0:50 (1746 reads)
     [随手乱拍]生活2 (467 byte) 2008-11-26 12:45 (1795 reads)
     [随手乱拍]生活 (959 byte) 2008-11-26 12:37 (2449 reads)
     [Very Freaking important]If you are smart enough (228 byte) 2008-11-22 15:06 (2159 reads)
     [回归1997] 如何判断反弹和反转 (509 byte) 2008-11-21 14:28 (2058 reads)
     不得不承认,眼下美国的股市彻底看不懂了 (106 byte) 2008-11-19 13:24 (2916 reads)
     For guys trading US stock (76 byte) 2008-11-14 14:16 (1843 reads)
     [还债帖 ]制药业的走向 (613 byte) 2008-11-11 12:38 (3236 reads)
     一个新时代即将开始 (628 byte) 2008-11-05 13:03 (2549 reads)
     [分享] Where is the bottom? IMHO, dow=4000 (3309 byte) 2008-11-04 9:32 (2328 reads)
     好心提醒 死皮在900附近好几天了 (159 byte) 2008-10-26 1:15 (1473 reads)
     [分享]解放军来啦!!! (4066 byte) 2008-10-22 11:31 (2434 reads)
     [转帖]TIMELINES OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION (12818 byte) 2008-10-15 14:04 (2505 reads)
     [肺腑之言]熊市不炒股 (987 byte) 2008-10-14 11:01 (3599 reads)
     长叹一声,中国人比犹太人差太远了。 (175 byte) 2008-10-13 8:05 (2938 reads)
     [分享]This maybe the reason for reversal. As I expected before (2441 byte) 2008-10-11 6:17 (1491 reads)
     [转帖] 格林斯潘走下神坛 政策遗产遭到清算 (1822 byte) 2008-10-10 9:54 (1484 reads)
     Market Crashed. No support at all. (10 byte) 2008-10-10 4:25 (1526 reads)
     [转帖] 授人以渔-TA(2) (3410 byte) 2008-10-09 10:21 (2736 reads)
     [分享]Globale Rate Cut. US cuts 0.5%. (803 byte) 2008-10-08 19:11 (1499 reads)
     [转帖]授人以渔-TA(1) (3668 byte) 2008-10-08 13:28 (2410 reads)
     外行人看危言的帖子 (1227 byte) 2008-10-08 12:08 (1910 reads)
     Tomorrow 撕皮 may touch 976 (123 byte) 2008-10-08 4:35 (1542 reads)
     Bush called Paulson: “Henry, what happened for that $700B” (187 byte) 2008-10-07 9:21 (1862 reads)
     看来周一撕皮要探1070。 (24 byte) 2008-10-06 14:31 (1920 reads)
     [转帖]恭喜双欧,您的C出水有望。 (1957 byte) 2008-10-05 23:35 (1585 reads)
     新科MM不得不说的事(下) (2359 byte) 2008-10-05 9:46 (3054 reads)
     [转帖]我们在见证历史,今天美国所发生的一切,将载入史册,就像日本所发生过的那场世纪泡沫崩裂一样,成为世界经济的一部教科 (1877 byte) 2008-10-04 7:57 (2085 reads)
     Nobody buying stocks anymore? (125 byte) 2008-09-29 23:35 (1602 reads)
     新科MM不得不说的事(上) (1830 byte) 2008-09-29 8:58 (2541 reads)
     Breaking News (223 byte) 2008-09-24 7:31 (1794 reads)
     不要忽视第一反指的威力 (520 byte) 2008-09-23 12:29 (1727 reads)
     [最后一炮 ]事实再次证明,中国人民走的路才是正路 (133 byte) 2008-09-22 13:32 (2173 reads)
     a classical week and an exciting day (1162 byte) 2008-09-19 13:41 (1396 reads)
     [放一炮]明天涨! (112 byte) 2008-09-18 10:41 (2262 reads)
     [转帖]From real traders who may not have MBA degree (2509 byte) 2008-09-18 1:01 (2527 reads)
     FYI: Insured or Not Insured? (64 byte) 2008-09-16 6:44 (1563 reads)
     [LEH的结局]周一交易策略-----我们正在见证历史 (6624 byte) 2008-09-15 11:15 (1942 reads)
     [转帖]二房问题的最后总结 (4357 byte) 2008-09-10 10:37 (1503 reads)
     一念之差啊,惦记空UAUA一周了,就是没下手。悔啊!!!!半小时归零。 (14 byte) 2008-09-08 23:20 (1704 reads)
     Can this whole week be a bear trap? (121 byte) 2008-09-06 6:21 (1225 reads)
     [转帖]China Pulls Back From Fannie, Freddie (4567 byte) 2008-09-03 12:36 (1684 reads)
     [大道至简]妄言美国的问题 (3021 byte) 2008-08-28 14:17 (1493 reads)
     [Alert]US market uptrend broken (61 byte) 2008-08-26 0:37 (1324 reads)
     德国人也挺大嘴的欧,原来一德国同事在谈到别摸我, (1348 byte) 2008-08-23 11:19 (1737 reads)
     [反潮流]真的还是假的? (570 byte) 2008-08-22 13:42 (1387 reads)
     [办公室慎入]How can you dislike this Olympic? (112 byte) 2008-08-14 14:39 (1467 reads)
     [读后感] 给豹子和功夫续个尾巴 (1013 byte) 2008-08-13 12:49 (1436 reads)
     [转帖] F#$K Spain!!!!! (2551 byte) 2008-08-13 8:14 (1484 reads)
     栾姐说句“祖国好”怎么了?有什么不对的吗? (413 byte) 2008-08-12 14:02 (1811 reads)
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