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主题: 有感于孤舟女士为医疗保障返加 -- 同大家分享我在美加港马及四类中国医院的亲身经历
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作者 有感于孤舟女士为医疗保障返加 -- 同大家分享我在美加港马及四类中国医院的亲身经历   

头衔: 海归元帅

头衔: 海归元帅
声望: 大师
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2004/12/19
文章: 10727
来自: 苏州/天津/北京/重庆/美国
海归分: 1376775

文章标题: 有感于孤舟女士为医疗保障返加 -- 同大家分享我在美加港马及四类中国医院的亲身经历 (2793 reads)      时间: 2005-2-07 周一, 02:00   

作者:laozhong海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

加拿大(UP TO 1989): 看来到现在还是一样, 富人和穷人排同一个队, 排三小时, 看一分钟(no exaggeration here!) 所以富人去美国看病.

我们天天喊口号, 可真要有了病, 真的同八亿农民一起排队??? COME ON!!!

所以我不怕千夫指, 先把CANADA排除掉.


USA (UP TO 2001): 看来我在美十几年进的都是中产阶级医院, 从门诊40(Chinatown)到160(大内科)到400(specialist), 因为都不怎么高档,但我也从没看到英语不native的医生, 所以我猜我那些英语还不如我的大陆来的考上美国医生执照的工作的医院可能才是低收入人群去的医院(因为很少CO-PAY).

最近受本坛帖子启发, 生来第一次上了MEDICARE网站, 才发现65岁等到的并非CANADA式的大包干, 而是一种廉价医保. 门诊不住院一年要交1000美元年费, 20% CO-PAY plus the amount higher than the norm determined by the government (e.g., if u paid $1000 but the government thinks $600 is the norm, u would have to pay $520 from ur own pocket or collection letters come every week) 住院$1000 deductible, but, of course, u cannot live in hospital, so that hospitalization more than 2 weeks per year would require u to be very rich.

Let's forget the part beyond the norm (though it was my BIG headache when I was in US), the bottom line is u have to pay at least 20% (unless u get hospitalized less than two weeks per year, but do not forget u would incur much higher day-to-day living expenses in US -- forget the homecare nurse), the co-pay alone would be much more than the full cost in China (excl. the hospitals only for foreigners in China). True that the medical cost in China is up, up and up, but to get close to 20% of the US cost would take quite some years (especially for Chongqing).

Conclusion: in the forseeable future, going back to US to take Medicare benefits will not be economically justifiable. Going back to US for medical care should be mainly based on non-monetary factors.

U may want to read my description of the 4 types of hospitals in China before saying yes or no to my above opinion.


HK (up to 2001): in 半山 港丽医院, the ONLY good enough English speaking hospital in HK, a regular physical exam is HK$10,000 (no typo here), which is comparable to RMB100 physical in China. CT is for HK$2000 extra, PSA HK$500, etc.

The same quality as its US counterpart, but much more expensive (we got 100% covered be our insurance)


吉隆坡 (1993): My friend's mom needed to see an eye doctor, but they would not go to the public hospitals, which r for poor people. My impression was her family is a bit above average. But the private clinic did not look very good.


Eventually, the state-owned hospitals in China may become their counterparts in Malaysia, Taiwan, HK, Macau, etc., mainly serving low-income people, but the question is how soon. Surely it would be much sooner to Shanghai than Chongqing.


Let's look at the 4 types of hospitals in China:

1. State-owned for ordinary people

2. State-owned for those privileged

3. Private for ordinary people

4. Private for foreigners and riches

Let's rule out #4 first coz 那英的顺产cost her US$100K (2004)!!! I went to 上海波特曼的US physician clinic, RMB1500/visit, electrocardiogram RMB750..., which was 2001.

#3 are now run mainly by retired domestic doctors. At this stage, the doctors educated in China would certainly not quit their iron-bowl jobs to join #3 even though #3 r offering quite high salary.

HK and Taiwan have many doctors returned from the Western medical schools. If the same happens to China, the 1st question is when and the 2nd question is whether they would run #4 hospitals.

Therefore, #3 could be eliminated for the time being.

Now that only #1 and #2 r left, but they r the same hospital on different floors.

I believe we turtles r in-between #1 and #2.

However, we could work it out to access #2 at discount, which is exactly what I am doing in Chongqing.


中美医疗对比--MY EXPERIENCE 1997-2005[原创]

我一个当年穿开档裤的发小如今已从某地级市市长的位子退了下来, 他虽然是北京长大的, 现在仍住在市长的独院里. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

我说就是将来生老病死不如北京. 他说未必, 市级领导需要动手术都有专人联系北京著名外科医生软卧前来主刀, 一切费用(包括红包)不用自己经手, 这是就算他回到北京也是享受不到的. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

我一个假洋鬼子,当然不能同正厅比, 但也很受启发. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

重庆最大医院的涉外病房在新大楼23层(现在医院学校都在大兴土木, 钱哪儿来的?)而高干病房在22层. 前者单人房RACK RATE400元一天(收我200), 后者双人房每床80元. 前者设备约相当四星半酒店. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

重庆只有2000不到老外(含港台同胞)所以涉外病房主要是省部级领导(包括退休的及其家属)和大款住, (重庆直辖, 市领导为省部级).我还同现中组部部长(原重庆#1)贺国强住过隔壁, 他叫手下通知我TV太吵. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

涉外除房费贵及点名请主任医师来会诊每人每次60元外,其余一切同普通病人同价. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

也许你还是觉得有美国医师执照的比较好. OK, 我告诉你我在上海波特曼美国CLINIC的经验(2001). 一位不到30女白人医生门诊约30分钟1500元, 还留个尾巴让我三天后再来, 又是1500元, 要给我验血可我在福州厦门验过多次, 后来终于发现有一项我可能没做, 500元, 又说服我做个(普通)心电图750元, 还有什么记不清了, 反正公司100%报销(这样建的电厂能不贵吗, 所以中国现在缺电到家了也不再找老外建电厂了) (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

不错, 中国BS就当医生, 美国要BS后七八年, 但美国医生见的病人远没有中国医生多, 所以中国医生经验多, 但理论及信息和仪器方面肯定较差. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

所以, 要看将来是得难以确诊或需要最新医疗技术的病还是常见多发病. 前者美国好, 后者中国好, 因为中国有人情味儿及廉价护理工. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

我1991在SF最好的医院之一(因PG&E是MONOPOLY大公司,当时100%报销)内窥镜切除胆囊费用一万美元以上, 现在国内5000RMB, 县医院2000(敢不敢?) 所以如果需要100万人民币的病到美国还不得几百万美元? 那当然是不可能的事.

我福建外企每年送我们EXPAT去HK唯一说英语的港丽医院(半山)体检, 光体检费就一万港币[找个借口叫你照CT2000HK$(中国300-500), PSA又是HK$500], 其实同中国100元体检差不多, 主要加了一个动态心电图(要是24小时HOLTER心电图不知又得几千!) (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

国内都有专家门诊, 20元挂号, 但我不好叫别人替我起早去排队. 特需门诊100元挂号费, 任何医生上班时间内随便点(除非他没时间)而且是你在贵宾房他来看你, 还说我不会给你乱开药所以你反而省了钱. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

最后, 也不能迷信大医院西医. 我03年由于SARS搬家, 空调在BEDROOM, 我在外屋打电脑电扇吹了一夏天, "秋后算帐"腰痛发作.我自己走去住涉外病房结果几个骨科主任会诊后我的情况每个小时都在恶化, 第二天不能自己下床, 第三天几乎完全不能动, 居然记事以来第一次要工人喂饭吃! (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

不得已打破情面请外面名中医带来特效膏药(100元), 贴上后他还没走我已觉改善, 当晚已可以下床, 第二天出院(2000多RMB)! (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

拉拉杂杂写了许多, 希望对有意海归的弟兄们有点儿参考价值.

作者:laozhong海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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