[原创][周] Is DB’s optimistic outlook really that sustainable?
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#1: [原创][周] Is DB’s optimistic outlook really that sustainable? (729 reads) 作者: 天凉好个哈糗 文章时间: 2008-2-09 周六, 08:14
作者:天凉好个哈糗海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com



在本周德意志的US Outlook Report里,阐述了DB对于目前US Outlook的几点看法。其中用于支持其稍乐观于Street的论点中有两点,个人觉得有待商榷。


Some analysts argue that the dislocation in the financial services sector is so large that the monetary transmission mechanism is broken, but keep in mind that as the Fed continues to cut rates, two significant events occur: One, mortgage resets become less onerous for borrowers, as many of the adjustable rate subprime mortgages that are coming due are tied to short-end rates. This should result in fewer forced foreclosures, which at the margin will put less downward pressure on home prices. Two, the Treasury yield curve should steepen. This is important because it will help banks restore their profitability and hence their capital base.


先就Fed’s Aggressive Cut造就的Steepened Yield Curve将有利于银行盈利这点来说吧。传统的看法是在经济处于下行或是衰退的阶段,央行放松银根且降低短期利率,收益曲线Steepened,使得银行在借短贷长的中的Funding成本降低但却能依旧保持长期收益。

就现实和逻辑来看,这个观点是站得住脚的;但是否能work out well取决于几个前提:

1. 整体的银行业资本金和Balance Sheet的状态如何;

整体银行业的资本金和资产负债表的情况愈好,收益曲线趋陡对于银行业越有利。然而,目前的情况是由于Subprime+Credit related的资产Write Off,各家银行的资产负债表情况均不佳;在多次多家银行均引入外来资金的情况下,仍有大部分的players有继续raising capital的需要。在这种情况下,鉴于满足储备金Ratio的要求,借短贷长的传统业务的扩展将会受到很大的限制,大大降低了收益曲线趋陡带来的益处。

2. Credit处于整体经济下行或是衰退的Cause处还是Result处。

与以往的多次衰退不同,此次的经济下行中,Credit更多地走在的是Cause处rather than Result处。也就是说,此次的Credit Blow Out更多的是此番经济下行的原因之一而不是经济衰退后带来的结果。因此,突出的表现在即便收益曲线趋陡,长、短期的收益均下跌(Though with different pace),Risk Free Rate下跌,但Risk Premium却没有丝毫改善,相反却大幅度的Widening了。也就是说,总体的Credit环境并没有因降息得到改善,相反可能还更加恶化了,这反过来也证明了此次经济下行中,Credit是处于Cause处,而非出于Result处。因此在这样的环境下,Risk spread并未随着Fed的降息而得到改善,银行业在自身资本金不充足+Risk Spread Wider的条件下愈加Tighten Credit Standard and demanding more yield on the loans(As u can tell from the latest Fed Loan Officer Report)使得Corporate的借贷成本更加恶化,难以享受到Accommodative rate为其带来的好处。

基于以上两点,我们认为Fed’s Aggressive Cut虽仍对于银行业是positive的,但作用却未必有DB’s Economist所详述的那样乐观。

接下来将会就Fed Rate Cut对于家庭Mortgage的影响做一个分析,待进一步的数据得到Confirm,谢谢。

作者:天凉好个哈糗海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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